How to strike and reduce


Dual/Combination Silver Glass

Striking and Reducing Sequence

Dual/combination silver glass both strikes and reduces and really is magical under clear encasement yielding pearlescent rainbow hues.

  1. Work the three-step striking process until first strike is observed (Ekho in video) – this is what I do for the best range of colors but many lampworkers use the dual/combination silver glass as “self striker” and let the beadmaking process to “automatically” strike the glass.

  2. Create a reduction flame

  3. Reduce until the desired effects are achieved – I like it very shiny

  4. Keep the bead under the flame, encase with Zephyr clear

  5. Soften the encasement and marver often, add more clear glass if necessary

  6. Watch the glow of the glass as it is an indication of how much heat is being put on the bead – in order to NOT lose the striking and/or reduction effects, never go pass the red orange stage (silver glasses are not all created equal with some being more forgiving and can take more heat than others)

The video was from a presentation Hayley did at the 2016 International Society of Glass Beadmakers (ISGB) annual conference, The Gathering, at New Orleans. Thus the glass(es) used may not be in production anymore.

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How to reduce


Twisties Beads